Lordi feat. Werwolf (Bürger Lars Dietrich)
Hard Rock Hallelujah Single
Jahr: | 2022 |
Musik/Text: |
Digital Atomic Fire - ()
09.12.2022 |
- Hard Rock Hallelujah Lordi feat. Werwolf (Bürger Lars Dietrich)
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Bürger Lars Dietrich
CHARTENTRY: 20.10.2006
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Hard Rock Hallelujah
CHARTENTRY: 02.06.2006
- Hellizabeth Lordi
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- Heavengeance Lordi
- The SCG Awards Lordi
- In The Castle Of Dracoolove Lordi
- Lycantropical Island Lordi
- Scarecrow Lordi
- Lucyfer Prime Evil Lordi
- The Bride Lordi
- Vampyro Fang Club Lordi
- Thing In The Cage Lordi
- Inhumanoid Lordi
- Unliving Picture Show Lordi
- SCG XVIII: Nosferiuz Horror Show Lordi
- Dead Again Jayne Lordi
- Hard Rock Hallelujah Lordi feat. Werwolf (Bürger Lars Dietrich)
- Merry Blah Blah Blah Lordi
- Borderline Lordi
- Abracadaver Lordi
- Believe Me Lordi
- The Chainsaw Buffét Lordi
- It Snows In Hell Lordi
- The House Lordi
- Don't Let My Mother Know Lordi
- Hellbender Turbulence Lordi
- Studs 'N' Leather Lordi
- Non Stop Nite Lordi
- Give Your Life For Rock 'n' Roll Lordi
- Zombie Rawk Machine Lordi
- Hulking Dynamo Lordi
- I'm So Excited Lordi
- Sir, Mr. Presideath, Sir! Lordi
- Hella's Kitchen Lordi
- She's A Demon Lordi
- The United Rocking Dead Lordi
- Cadaver Lover Lordi
- Monster Is My Name Lordi
- House Of Ghosts Lordi
- Hell Sent In The Clowns Lordi
- How To Slice A Whore Lordi
- SCG VIII: Opening Scene Lordi
- Carnivore Lordi
- Don't Let Your Mother Know Lordi
- Pyromite Lordi
- Where's The Dragon Lordi
- Scream Demon Lordi
- Evil Lordi
- Cutterfly Lordi
- Up To No Good Lordi
- Zombimbo Lordi
- I Dug A Hole In The Yard For You Lordi
- Blow My Fuse Lordi
- Apollyon Lordi
- Like A Bee To The Honey Lordi feat. Michael Monroe
- Shake The Baby Silent Lordi
- Horror For Hire Lordi
- Haunting Season Lordi
- Sodomesticated Animal Lordi
- Hot & Satanned Lordi
- Hell Has Room Lordi
- Rimskin Assassin Lordi
- Slashion Model Girls Lordi
- Polterchrist Lordi
- The Beast Is Yet To Cum Lordi
- Romeo Ate Juliet Lordi
- Sexorcism Lordi
- Naked In My Cellar Lordi
- Your Tongue's Got The Cat Lordi
- Scare Force One Lordi
- The Night The Monsters Died Lordi
- Break of Dawn Lordi
- And The Zombie Says Lordi
- Heaven Sent Hell On Earth Lordi
- The Unholy Gathering Lordi
- Demonarchy Lordi
- SCGVIII: Opening Scene Lordi
- None For One Lordi
- Sick Flick Lordi
- Mary Is Dead Lordi
- Down With The Devil Lordi
- Let's Go Slaughter He-Man (I Wanna Be The Beast-Man In The Masters Of The Universe) Lordi
- SCG8: One Message Waiting Lordi
- Hug You Hardcore Lordi
- Nailed By The Hammer Of Frankenstein Lordi
- Playing The Devil (Bend Over And Pray The Lord) Lordi
- SCG6: Otus' Butcher Clinic Lordi
- Sincerely With Love Lordi
- Candy For The Cannibal Lordi
- Schizo Doll Lordi
- Happy New Fear Lordi
- Horrifiction Lordi
- I'm The Best Lordi
- Something Wicked This Way Comes Lordi
- I Luv Ugly Lordi
- We're Not Bad For The Kids (We're Worse) Lordi
- The Riff Lordi
- Lord Have Mercy Lordi
- Give Your Life For Rock And Roll Lordi
- Call Off The Wedding Lordi
- Loud And Loaded Lordi
- Devil's Lullaby Lordi
- Granny's Gone Crazy Lordi
- Nonstop Nite Lordi
- Midnite Lover Lordi
- ZombieRawkMachine Lordi
- I Am Bigger Than You Lordi
- Discoevil Lordi
- Rock Police Lordi
- Babez For Breakfast Lordi
- SCG5: It's A Boy! Lordi
- This Is Heavy Metal Lordi
- Would You Love A Monster Man [2006] Lordi
- Hate At First Sight Lordi
- Missing Miss Charlene Lordi
- Devil Hides Behind Her Smile Lordi
- Deadache Lordi
- Raise Hell In Heaven Lordi
- The Rebirth Of The Countess Lordi
- Evilyn Lordi
- The Ghosts Of The Heceta Head Lordi
- Dr. Sin Is In Lordi
- Man Skin Boots Lordi
- Monsters Keep Me Company Lordi
- Girls Go Chopping Lordi
- Bite It Like A Bulldog Lordi
- Beast Loose In Paradise Lordi
- To Hell With Pop Lordi
- Evilove Lordi
- Mr Killjoy Lordi
- Bringing Back The Balls To Rock Lordi
- Theatrical Trailer Lordi
- 13. Lordi
- Monster Monster Lordi
- Dynamite Tonite Lordi
- Last Kiss Goodbye Lordi
- Biomechanic Man Lordi
- Icon Of Dominance Lordi
- Scarctic Circle Gathering Lordi
- The Night Of The Loving Dead Lordi
- They Only Come Out At Night Lordi
- SCG3 Special Report Lordi
- Magistra Nocte Lordi
- Shotgun Divorce Lordi
- Wake The Snake Lordi
- Good To Be Bad Lordi
- The Children Of The Night Lordi
- Pet The Destroyer Lordi
- Bring It On (The Raging Hounds Return) Lordi
- Fire In The Hole Lordi
- Forsaken Fashion Dolls Lordi
- Haunted Town Lordi
- Hellbender Turbulance Lordi
- Supermonstars (The Anthem Of The Phantoms) Lordi
- It Snows In Hell Lordi feat. Bruce Kulick
- The Kids Who Wanna Play With The Dead Lordi
- The Deadite Girls Gone Wild Lordi
- The Chainsaw Buffet Lordi
- Kalmageddon Lordi
- Get Heavy Lordi
- Not The Nicest Guy Lordi
- Rock The Hell Outta You Lordi
- Blood Red Sandman Lordi
- My Heaven Is Your Hell Lordi
- Devil Is A Loser Lordi
- Would You Love A Monsterman? Lordi
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