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David Hasselhoff feat. Blümchen

Summer Go Away Single

Jahr: 2019


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  1. Summer Go Away - David Hasselhoff feat. Blümchen   :
  2. Summer Go Away - David Hasselhoff feat. Blümchen   :


  1. Summer Go Away David Hasselhoff feat. Blümchen

TOP Titel

  1. Herzalarm Finch feat. Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 02.07.2021
    PEAK: 7
  2. Männer brauchen Liebe Jasmin Wagner
    CHARTENTRY: 14.04.2006
    PEAK: 99
  3. Helden wie wir Jasmin Wagner
    CHARTENTRY: 26.04.2004
    PEAK: 68
  4. Leb deinen Traum Jasmin Wagner
    CHARTENTRY: 22.09.2003
    PEAK: 24
  5. Ich vermisse dich Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 15.01.2001
    PEAK: 50
  6. Die Welt gehört mir Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 18.09.2000
    PEAK: 96
  7. Ist deine Liebe echt? Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 12.06.2000
    PEAK: 24
  8. Unter'm Weihnachtsbaum Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 20.12.1999
    PEAK: 31
  9. Heut' ist mein Tag Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 03.05.1999
    PEAK: 15
  10. Es ist vorbei Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 16.11.1998
    PEAK: 24
  11. Ich bin wieder hier Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 07.09.1998
    PEAK: 12
  12. Blaue Augen Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 01.06.1998
    PEAK: 19
  13. Sesam-Jam (Der, Die, Das) Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 15.12.1997
    PEAK: 26
  14. Gib mir noch Zeit Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 29.09.1997
    PEAK: 9
  15. Verrückte Jungs Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 14.07.1997
    PEAK: 22
  16. Nur geträumt Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 28.04.1997
    PEAK: 6
  17. Bicycle Race Queen Dance Traxx feat. Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 09.12.1996
    PEAK: 28
  18. Du und ich Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 07.10.1996
    PEAK: 17
  19. Boomerang Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 01.07.1996
    PEAK: 7
  20. Kleiner Satellit (Piep, Piep) Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 15.04.1996
    PEAK: 9
  21. Herz an Herz Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 29.01.1996
    PEAK: 4


  1. Liebe auf den ersten Beat Pazoo x Blümchen
  2. Party All The Time Blümchen
  3. Bassface Lizot x Pazoo x Blümchen
  4. La-la-lass mich Blümchen feat. Bumble
  5. Ravergirl Blümchen
  6. SOS Domiziana / Blümchen
  7. Herz an Herz HBz, Blümchen, Jasmin Wagner
  8. Volles Haus Jasmin Wagner
  9. Luv With U DJane HouseKat x Blümchen x Kyanu
  10. The Look Lord Of The Lost feat. Blümchen
  11. Die 90er Stereoact feat. Jasmin Wagner aka Blümchen
  12. The Love Of My Life Jasmin Wagner
  13. Das Lied über mich Volker Rosin feat. Blümchen (Jasmin Wagner)
  14. Sonne in mir Jasmin Wagner
  15. Hamburg im Sinn Jasmin Wagner
  16. Blümchensong Jasmin Wagner
  17. Sterne Jasmin Wagner
  18. Konfetti Raketen Jasmin Wagner
  19. Regentropfen Jasmin Wagner
  20. Lass los Jasmin Wagner
  21. Mehr brauch ich nicht Jasmin Wagner
  22. Hauptsache Du Jasmin Wagner
  23. Du bist nicht allein Jasmin Wagner
  24. Ein Stern (der deinen Namen trägt) [Herzstück Amazon Original] Jasmin Wagner
  25. Spring in mein Herz Jasmin Wagner
  26. Gold Jasmin Wagner
  27. Summer Go Away David Hasselhoff feat. Blümchen
  28. Herz an Herz (Marquess Remix) Blümchen feat. Ray Kuba
  29. Computerliebe Blümchen
  30. Mein Kind, schlaf' ein Jasmin Wagner
  31. Erstes Morgenrot Jasmin Wagner
  32. Ja lubljú tebjá (Ich liebe dich) Jasmin Wagner
  33. Maskenball Jasmin Wagner
  34. Der Traum vom Fliegen Jasmin Wagner
  35. Am großen Strom Jasmin Wagner
  36. Schwarze Balalaika Jasmin Wagner
  37. Illusionen Jasmin Wagner
  38. Sehnsucht Jasmin Wagner
  39. Nur einen Sommer lang Jasmin Wagner
  40. Are You Ready For Some Darkness? Bela B. & Denim Girl
  41. Hit-Medley (Boomerang, Herz an Herz, Du & ich, Nur geträumt) Blümchen
  42. Küss mich Wise Guys feat. Jasmin Wagner
  43. Mein Freund der Baum Jasmin Wagner
  44. Zigeunerjunge Jasmin Wagner
  45. Kleiner Satellit Headcrash feat. Blümchen
  46. Alles, was du willst Jasmin Wagner
  47. Morgen, wenn ich weg bin Jasmin Wagner
  48. Ein neues Gefühl Jasmin Wagner
  49. Ich bereue dich so gerne Jasmin Wagner
  50. Versuchung Jasmin Wagner
  51. Komm schon werd' wütend Jasmin Wagner
  52. Wahrscheinlich Hallo Jasmin Wagner
  53. Ein schlechtes Gewissen Jasmin Wagner
  54. Ein zerbrechlicher Moment Jasmin Wagner
  55. Entschuldigen Sie Jasmin Wagner
  56. Boomerang Blossom
  57. Odyssey In 3D Blossom
  58. You And Me Blossom
  59. Where Hearts Have Wings Blossom
  60. Baby, Baby Blossom
  61. Little Satellite Blossom
  62. Wish Upon A Star Blossom
  63. Pink Cloud Blossom
  64. Heart To Heart Blossom
  65. Bad Boys In Love Blossom
  66. S.O.S. Blossom
  67. Angel Of Love Blossom
  68. Rollercoaster Blossom
  69. Time Machine Blossom
  70. Icicles Blossom
  71. Give Me More Time Blossom
  72. Neverland Blossom
  73. He Loves Me Blossom
  74. Key To Paradise Blossom
  75. Butterflies Blossom
  76. Just A Dream Blossom
  77. Heut' ist mein Tag / Ich bin wieder hier Blümchen
  78. Tu es mon île Blümchen feat. Yta Farrow
  79. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Jasmin Wagner
  80. We Are The Champions Acts United
  81. Es ist nie vorbei Blümchen vs. E-Type
  82. Gehn' wie ein Ägypter Blümchen
  83. Nur für euch Blümchen
  84. So wie ein Wunder Blümchen
  85. U-Bahn Blümchen
  86. Der beste von allen Blümchen
  87. Ganz bald Blümchen
  88. Hand in Hand (Gewalt ist doof) Blümchen
  89. Willkommen in meinem Garten Blümchen
  90. Denk noch mal drüber nach Blümchen
  91. Immer noch verliebt Blümchen
  92. Automatisch Blümchen
  93. Odyssee in 3-D Blümchen
  94. Herzen haben Flügel Blümchen
  95. Liebe Liebe Blümchen
  96. Komm auf meinen Stern Blümchen
  97. Rosa Wolke Blümchen
  98. Intro (Herz an Herz) Blümchen
  99. S.O.S. - Herz in Not Blümchen
  100. Engel der Nacht Blümchen
  101. Achterbahn Blümchen
  102. Reise durch die Zeit Blümchen
  103. Eisblumen Blümchen
  104. Übermorgenland Blümchen
  105. Er liebt mich Blümchen
  106. Du bist die Insel Blümchen
  107. Schmetterlinge Blümchen
  108. Taxi Taxi Blümchen
  109. Wär ich du Blümchen
  110. Eisberg Blümchen
  111. Wie der Blitz Blümchen
  112. Detektive Blümchen
  113. Der Sommer mit dir Blümchen
  114. Denkst du manchmal noch an mich? Blümchen
  115. Er ist so süss Blümchen
  116. Blümchen

TOP Alben

  1. Das Beste aus den 90ern Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 27.01.2023
    PEAK: 52
  2. Von Herzen Jasmin Wagner
    CHARTENTRY: 30.07.2021
    PEAK: 6
  3. Die Versuchung Jasmin Wagner
    CHARTENTRY: 28.04.2006
    PEAK: 98
  4. Für immer und ewig Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 15.01.2001
    PEAK: 95
  5. Die Welt gehört dir Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 10.07.2000
    PEAK: 18
  6. Live in Berlin Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 13.12.1999
    PEAK: 57
  7. Jasmin Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 12.10.1998
    PEAK: 8
  8. Verliebt ... Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 19.05.1997
    PEAK: 7
  9. Herzfrequenz Blümchen
    CHARTENTRY: 10.06.1996
    PEAK: 18


  1. The Ultimate Single Remixes Blümchen
  2. Die Singlekollektion Blümchen
  3. Singt Alexandra Jasmin Wagner
  4. Best Of Blümchen
  5. Heartbeat Blossom
  6. In Love... Blossom

TOP Titel

  1. Limbo Dance DJ Ostkurve feat. David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 12.09.2005
    PEAK: 98
  2. Wir zwei allein David Hasselhoff with Gwen
    CHARTENTRY: 13.12.1993
    PEAK: 9
  3. The Girl Forever David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 22.03.1993
    PEAK: 78
  4. Do The Limbo Dance David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 15.07.1991
    PEAK: 12
  5. Freedom For The World David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 10.12.1990
    PEAK: 48
  6. Crazy For You David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 10.09.1990
    PEAK: 18
  7. Flying On The Wings Of Tenderness David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 09.10.1989
    PEAK: 22
  8. Is Everybody Happy David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 26.06.1989
    PEAK: 8
  9. Looking For Freedom David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 20.03.1989
    PEAK: 1


  1. More Than Words Can Say Helena Vondráčková & David Hasselhoff
  2. Sheriff Oliver Onions feat. David Hasselhoff
  3. Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again? David Hasselhoff
  4. I Will Carry You David Hasselhoff
  5. We Didn't Start The Fire David Hasselhoff
  6. It Never Rains In Southern California David Hasselhoff
  7. Hungry Eyes David Hasselhoff
  8. Right Here Waiting For You David Hasselhoff
  9. Can't Help Falling In Love David Hasselhoff
  10. I Was Made For Loving You David Hasselhoff
  11. Damnit I Love You David Hasselhoff
  12. Sweet Caroline David Hasselhoff
  13. (I Just) Died In Your Arms David Hasselhoff
  14. The Passenger David Hasselhoff
  15. That's Life David Hasselhoff
  16. Sweet Caroline David Hasselhoff feat. Ministry
  17. Mit 66 Jahren David Hasselhoff feat. Patrick Moraz
  18. Sugar Sugar David Hasselhoff feat. Steve Cropper
  19. If You Could Read My Mind David Hasselhoff feat. Ava Cherry
  20. Here I Go Again David Hasselhoff feat. Tracii Guns
  21. Lips Like Sugar David Hasselhoff feat. A Flock Of Seagulls
  22. I Melt With You David Hasselhoff feat. Steve Stevens
  23. Head On David Hasselhoff feat. Elliot Easton
  24. Open Your Eyes David Hasselhoff feat. James Williamson
  25. Summer Go Away David Hasselhoff feat. Blümchen
  26. Heroes David Hasselhoff
  27. Silent Night David Hasselhoff
  28. Feliz navidad David Hasselhoff
  29. Piece Of Cake David Hasselhoff
  30. I Get A Message David Hasselhoff
  31. Guardians Inferno The Sneepers feat. David Hasselhoff
  32. Miss Kiss Kiss Bang Patricia Lewis & David Hasselhoff
  33. As I Am Patricia Lewis & David Hasselhoff
  34. True Survivor David Hasselhoff
  35. Au ciel, une étoile David Hasselhoff et Nadège
  36. Masquerade David Hasselhoff
  37. Let's Have A Party David Hasselhoff
  38. The Hoff Medley David Hasselhoff
  39. The Hoff Party Megamix 2011 David Hasselhoff
  40. If I Should Lose My Way David Hasselhoff
  41. I Was Born To Love You David Hasselhoff
  42. There Is Love David Hasselhoff
  43. Loving You Keeps Me Alive David Hasselhoff
  44. Learning How To Dance Is Easy David Hasselhoff
  45. At Last David Hasselhoff
  46. This Is The Moment David Hasselhoff
  47. Someone Like You David Hasselhoff
  48. Anything Can Happen David Hasselhoff
  49. What I Did For Love David Hasselhoff
  50. Hit-Medley David Hasselhoff
  51. California Girl David Hasselhoff
  52. I'll Be Here With You David Hasselhoff, Taylor-Ann Hasselhoff, Hayley Hasselhoff
  53. Das Café an der Seine David Hasselhoff
  54. Heartbreak Café David Hasselhoff
  55. Piña Colada Girl David Hasselhoff
  56. Like The Seven Seas David Hasselhoff
  57. You Are A Hero David Hasselhoff
  58. Lonely Days & Lonely Nights David Hasselhoff
  59. Keep My Dream Alive David Hasselhoff
  60. Hey, We Wanna Rock The World David Hasselhoff
  61. It's A Real Good Feeling David Hasselhoff
  62. This Time Around David Hasselhoff
  63. (I've Had) The Time Of My Life Patricia Paay & David Hasselhoff
  64. Secret Agent Man David Hasselhoff
  65. Looking For Freedom (The Axel Schulz Theme) [Remix] David Hasselhoff
  66. Blame It On The Night David Hasselhoff
  67. Pingu-Dance David Hasselhoff
  68. Jump In My Car David Hasselhoff
  69. 'Twas The Night Before Christmas David Hasselhoff
  70. Stille Nacht David Hasselhoff
  71. Please Come Home For Christmas David Hasselhoff with Gwen
  72. We Wish You A Merry Christmas David Hasselhoff
  73. Jingle Bells David Hasselhoff
  74. O' Holy Night David Hasselhoff
  75. The Christmas Song David Hasselhoff
  76. Hark The Herald Angels David Hasselhoff
  77. God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman David Hasselhoff
  78. Deck The Halls David Hasselhoff
  79. Joy To The World David Hasselhoff
  80. White Christmas David Hasselhoff
  81. T'was The Night Before David Hasselhoff
  82. Amazing Grace David Hasselhoff
  83. Medley: She Cried, All The Right Moves, Our First Night Together David Hasselhoff
  84. No Way To Be In Love David Hasselhoff & Catherine Hickland
  85. I Believe David Hasselhoff & Laura Branigan
  86. Do You Believe In Love David Hasselhoff
  87. Fallin' In Love David Hasselhoff
  88. America David Hasselhoff
  89. New York, New York David Hasselhoff
  90. Love Me Tender David Hasselhoff
  91. Country Roads David Hasselhoff
  92. La isla bonita David Hasselhoff
  93. These Boots Are Made For Walking David Hasselhoff & Marilyn Martin
  94. California Dreaming David Hasselhoff
  95. Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head David Hasselhoff
  96. California Girls David Hasselhoff
  97. Blue Bayou David Hasselhoff
  98. Forever In Blue Jeans David Hasselhoff
  99. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' David Hasselhoff & Marilyn Martin
  100. Rhinestone Cowboy David Hasselhoff
  101. City Of New Orleans David Hasselhoff
  102. Por tí David Hasselhoff
  103. After You David Hasselhoff
  104. Historia de un amor David Hasselhoff
  105. The Young And Restless (Nadia's Theme) David Hasselhoff
  106. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' David Hasselhoff
  107. Let It Be Me David Hasselhoff & Catherine Hickland
  108. Lovin' Arms David Hasselhoff
  109. Go Away Little Girl David Hasselhoff
  110. All The Right Moves David Hasselhoff
  111. Life Is Mostly Beautiful With You David Hasselhoff
  112. How Deep Is Your Love David Hasselhoff
  113. Do You Love Me David Hasselhoff
  114. Stand By Me David Hasselhoff
  115. True Love Always David Hasselhoff
  116. Any Kind Of Love At All David Hasselhoff
  117. No Words For Love David Hasselhoff
  118. Jean David Hasselhoff
  119. Crazy On A Saturday Night David Hasselhoff
  120. She Cried David Hasselhoff
  121. Always On My Mind David Hasselhoff
  122. You're Not Guilty DJ Peter Presta feat. David Hasselhoff
  123. Night Rocker David Hasselhoff
  124. You David Hasselhoff
  125. Time For Lovin' David Hasselhoff
  126. Rockin' The Night Away David Hasselhoff
  127. Live Until I Die David Hasselhoff
  128. Lifeline David Hasselhoff
  129. Try A Little Tenderness David Hasselhoff
  130. Days Of Our Love David Hasselhoff
  131. These Lovin' Eyes David Hasselhoff
  132. Summer Of Love David Hasselhoff
  133. Turn Me Inside Out David Hasselhoff
  134. Save The World David Hasselhoff with Taylor-Ann
  135. Gimme Your Love David Hasselhoff
  136. What A Feeling David Hasselhoff
  137. Du David Hasselhoff
  138. Taylor Ann David Hasselhoff
  139. Who's Leaving Who David Hasselhoff
  140. Room In Your Heart David Hasselhoff
  141. Close To Heaven David Hasselhoff
  142. Feeling So High David Hasselhoff
  143. Hands Up For Rock'n Roll David Hasselhoff
  144. In Stereo David Hasselhoff
  145. I Feel Your Love In The Air David Hasselhoff
  146. Casablanca David Hasselhoff
  147. Are You Still In Love With Me David Hasselhoff
  148. Gipsy Girl David Hasselhoff
  149. How Am I Supposed To Live Without You David Hasselhoff
  150. A Star Looks Down Tonight David Hasselhoff with Gwen
  151. If I Had One Wish David Hasselhoff with Gwen
  152. Beach Baby David Hasselhoff
  153. I'm Your Lover David Hasselhoff
  154. Queen Of Rain David Hasselhoff
  155. Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye David Hasselhoff
  156. Slow Night In The City David Hasselhoff
  157. Hold On My Love David Hasselhoff
  158. Santa Monica Nights David Hasselhoff
  159. Never My Love David Hasselhoff
  160. I Live For Love David Hasselhoff & Marilyn Martin
  161. More Than Words Can Say David Hasselhoff & Regine Velasquez
  162. Hooked On A Feeling David Hasselhoff
  163. The Best Is Yet To Come David Hasselhoff
  164. San Pedro's Children David Hasselhoff
  165. Caribbean Partytime David Hasselhoff
  166. Current Of Love David Hasselhoff
  167. Tighter And Tighter David Hasselhoff
  168. If I Could Only Say Goodbye David Hasselhoff
  169. You Are Everything David Hasselhoff
  170. Highway To Your Heart David Hasselhoff
  171. Sunday Dreaming David Hasselhoff
  172. Until The Last Teardrop Falls David Hasselhoff with Amy Sky
  173. Give Me Something Real David Hasselhoff
  174. Hot Shot City David Hasselhoff
  175. Miracle Of Love David Hasselhoff
  176. Darling I Love You David Hasselhoff
  177. Foolish Lullaby David Hasselhoff
  178. Summer In The City David Hasselhoff
  179. It Feels So Right David Hasselhoff
  180. You're All I Want David Hasselhoff
  181. The Wilder Side Of You David Hasselhoff
  182. Voulez vous coucher avec moi David Hasselhoff
  183. Somewhere In A Dream David Hasselhoff
  184. Joined At The Heart David Hasselhoff
  185. Lights In The Darkness David Hasselhoff
  186. Let's Spend The Night Together David Hasselhoff
  187. Kiss In The Night David Hasselhoff
  188. One And One Make Three David Hasselhoff
  189. Let's Dance Tonight David Hasselhoff
  190. Keep The Jungle Alive David Hasselhoff
  191. September Love David Hasselhoff
  192. Was It Real Love David Hasselhoff
  193. Passion David Hasselhoff
  194. I Wanna Move To The Beat Of Your Heart David Hasselhoff
  195. Dance Dance d'Amour David Hasselhoff
  196. After manana mi ciello David Hasselhoff
  197. Je t'aime Means I Love You David Hasselhoff
  198. Amore Amore (Elisabeth) David Hasselhoff
  199. Avignon David Hasselhoff
  200. Song Of The Night David Hasselhoff
  201. Lady David Hasselhoff
  202. Yesterday's Love David Hasselhoff
  203. Torero - Te quiero David Hasselhoff
  204. Sheltered Heart David Hasselhoff
  205. Lonely Is The Night David Hasselhoff
  206. Everybody Sunshine David Hasselhoff
  207. Our First Night Together David Hasselhoff

TOP Alben

  1. Party Your Hasselhoff David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 10.09.2021
    PEAK: 4
  2. Open Your Eyes David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 04.10.2019
    PEAK: 57
  3. A Real Good Feeling David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 15.04.2011
    PEAK: 26
  4. David Hasselhoff Sings America David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 16.02.2004
    PEAK: 27
  5. Du David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 28.11.1994
    PEAK: 43
  6. You Are Everything David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 13.12.1993
    PEAK: 20
  7. Everybody Sunshine David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 26.10.1992
    PEAK: 21
  8. David David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 30.09.1991
    PEAK: 8
  9. Crazy For You David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 10.09.1990
    PEAK: 7
  10. Looking For Freedom David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 25.09.1989
    PEAK: 5
  11. Knight Lover David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 17.07.1989
    PEAK: 36
  12. Night Rocker David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 29.05.1989
    PEAK: 30
  13. Lovin' Feelings David Hasselhoff
    CHARTENTRY: 08.05.1989
    PEAK: 16


  1. Zeitlos David Hasselhoff
  2. Best Of zum 70. Geburtstag David Hasselhoff
  3. Bild - Best Of David Hasselhoff
  4. 2 in 1 David Hasselhoff
  5. David Hasselhoff David Hasselhoff
  6. My Star David Hasselhoff
  7. 30 - Das Beste [DVD] David Hasselhoff
  8. 30 David Hasselhoff
  9. Live & Forever [DVD] David Hasselhoff
  10. Freedom For The World - Hits & Raritäten David Hasselhoff
  11. Greatest Hits [2016] David Hasselhoff
  12. Is Everybody Happy David Hasselhoff
  13. Close To Heaven David Hasselhoff
  14. Lonely Is The Night David Hasselhoff
  15. For All Our Friends [3 CD] Roger Whittaker / Engelbert / David Hasselhoff
  16. Greatest Hits David Hasselhoff
  17. Platin Edition - Die großen Erfolge David Hasselhoff
  18. Looking For Freedom - Das Beste! David Hasselhoff
  19. This Time Around David Hasselhoff
  20. Feeling So High David Hasselhoff
  21. Das Allerbeste David Hasselhoff
  22. Best Of David Hasselhoff David Hasselhoff
  23. Watch Out For Hasselhoff David Hasselhoff
  24. Crazy For You [1993] David Hasselhoff
  25. For All My Friends David Hasselhoff
  26. The Night Before Christmas David Hasselhoff
  27. Let It Be Me David Hasselhoff
  28. I Live For Love David Hasselhoff
  29. Looking For Freedom [1991] David Hasselhoff
  30. I'm Looking For... The Best David Hasselhoff
  31. Hooked On A Feeling David Hasselhoff
