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Gold Panda

Lucky Shiner Album

Jahr: 2010


LP Ghostly GILPC1123 () / EAN 0804297812342


LP Ghostly GI-123LP () / EAN 5055036212779


CD Ghostly GI-123CD () / EAN 0804297812328


CD Wichita / Domino NOTOWN003CD () / EAN 5055036262774

  1. You - Gold Panda   :
  2. Vanilla Minus - Gold Panda   :
  3. Parents - Gold Panda   :
  4. Same Dream China - Gold Panda   :
  5. Snow & Taxis - Gold Panda   :
  6. Before We Talked - Gold Panda   :
  7. Marriage - Gold Panda   :
  8. I'm With You But I'm Lonely - Gold Panda   :
  9. After We Talked - Gold Panda   :
  10. India Lately - Gold Panda   :
  11. You. - Gold Panda   :


  1. Trust Gold Panda
  2. Chiba Nights Gold Panda
  3. Black Voices Gold Panda
  4. Pink And Green Gold Panda
  5. In My Car Gold Panda
  6. Time Eater Gold Panda
  7. Clarke's Dream Gold Panda
  8. Reprise Gold Panda
  9. We Work Nights Gold Panda
  10. Brazil Gold Panda
  11. I Hate This Song Gold Panda
  12. Most Books That I've Never Read (Loop) Gold Panda
  13. Rush Job Gold Panda
  14. Police Gold Panda
  15. Win-san Western Gold Panda
  16. Triangle Cloud Gold Panda
  17. Heaps Gold Panda
  18. I Suppose I Should Say 'Thanks' Or Some Shit Gold Panda
  19. Lonely Owl Gold Panda
  20. Fifth Ave Gold Panda
  21. Quitter's Raga Gold Panda
  22. Peaky Caps Gold Panda
  23. Long Vacation Gold Panda
  24. Mayuri Gold Panda
  25. Back Home Gold Panda
  26. Casio Daisy Gold Panda
  27. Greek Style Gold Panda
  28. You. Gold Panda
  29. India Lately Gold Panda
  30. After We Talked Gold Panda
  31. I'm With You But I'm Lonely Gold Panda
  32. Marriage Gold Panda
  33. Before We Talked Gold Panda
  34. Same Dream China Gold Panda
  35. Parents Gold Panda
  36. Vanilla Minus Gold Panda
  37. Snow & Taxis Gold Panda
  38. You Gold Panda


  1. The Work Gold Panda
  2. Good Luck And Do Your Best Gold Panda
  3. Lucky Shiner Gold Panda
