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Noel McLoughlin


18 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Noel McLoughlin The Bonnie Ship The Diamond 0
2 Noel McLoughlin Wild Mountain Thyme 0
3 Noel McLoughlin The Bonnie Lass O Fyvie 0
4 Noel McLoughlin Farewell To Tarwathie 0
5 Noel McLoughlin Nancy Whisky 0
6 Noel McLoughlin Tramps And Hawkers 0
7 Noel McLoughlin Jock Stewart 0
8 Noel McLoughlin Dainty Davy 0
9 Noel McLoughlin The Skye Boat Song 0
10 Noel McLoughlin Lizzie Lindsay 0
11 Noel McLoughlin Rattlin' Roarin' Willie 0
12 Noel McLoughlin Ye Banks And Braes 0
13 Noel McLoughlin Come By The Hills 0
14 Noel McLoughlin The Blantyre Explosion 0
15 Noel McLoughlin The Barnyards Of Delgaty 0
16 Noel McLoughlin Mairi's Wedding 0
17 Noel McLoughlin Mount And Go 0
18 Noel McLoughlin Ye Jacobites By Name 0

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