Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


John Starkey

36 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 Jasper Carrott Bantam Cock 1976
2 Jasper Carrott Animals 1986
3 Jasper Carrott Child Psycologist 1983
4 Jasper Carrott Sport 1983
5 Jasper Carrott The Football Match 1977
6 Jasper Carrott Hong Kong 1983
7 Jasper Carrott Hari Krishna 1973
8 Jasper Carrott Cowards 1986
9 Jasper Carrott Zits 1977
10 Jasper Carrott Plumbers 1986
11 Jasper Carrott The Bus Trip 1977
12 Jasper Carrott Boy Scouts 1986
13 Jasper Carrott Cruise Missiles 1986
14 Jasper Carrott Pets 1980
15 Jasper Carrott Fears 1986
16 Jasper Carrott Hairloss 1983
17 Jasper Carrott Hangman 1977
18 Jasper Carrott Xmas Time 1986
19 Jasper Carrott Computer Games 1983
20 Jasper Carrott Getting Here 1977
21 Jasper Carrott Arrival 1980
22 Jasper Carrott Virgin Voter 1983
23 Jasper Carrott Local Radio Promotion 1977
24 Jasper Carrott Pantomime 1980
25 Jasper Carrott The 60's 1986
26 Jasper Carrott America 1977
27 Jasper Carrott Day Trip To Bangor 1980
28 Jasper Carrott Alternatives 1986
29 Jasper Carrott Number Plate 1977
30 Jasper Carrott Driving A Truck 1980
31 Jasper Carrott Mechanics 1986
32 Jasper Carrott 12 Days Of Christmas 1977
33 Jasper Carrott Store Detectives 1986
34 Jasper Carrott More Cars 1986
35 Jasper Carrott Car Insurance 1973
36 Jasper Carrott Holidays 1983
9 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Jasper Carrott Hangman 1977
2 Jasper Carrott Arrival 1980
3 Jasper Carrott Pantomime 1980
4 Jasper Carrott Day Trip To Bangor 1980
5 Jasper Carrott Driving A Truck 1980
6 Jasper Carrott 12 Days Of Christmas 1977
7 Jasper Carrott Car Insurance 1973
8 Jasper Carrott Bantam Cock 1976
9 Jasper Carrott Pets 1980

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