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Timo Tolkki

126 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 Stratovarius Maniac Dance 22.08.2005 Peak: 93
2 Stratovarius Know The Difference 2003
3 Symfonia Forevermore 2011
4 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande Down From The Mountain 2014
5 Stratovarius I'm Still Alive 2003
6 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Elize Ryd In The Name Of The Rose 2013
7 Infernoise All My Rage 2008
8 Stratovarius Season Of Change 1996
9 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande Solid Ground 2014
10 Stratovarius No Turning Back 1998
11 Stratovarius 4th Reich 1994
12 Stratovarius Phoenix 2000
13 Symfonia Pilgrim Road 2011
14 Stratovarius Against The Wind 1995
15 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande Dream About Tomrorow 2014
16 Stratovarius Rebel 1998
17 Stratovarius Dreamweaver 2003
18 Symfonia In Paradisum 2011
19 Stratovarius Paradise 1997
20 Stratovarius Playing With Fire 1998
21 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Sharon den Adel & Elize Ryd Shine 2013
22 Stratovarius I Walk To My Own Song 2003
23 Stratovarius Babylon 1996
24 Symfonia Rhapsody In Black 2011
25 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande The Great Divide 2014
26 Stratovarius Magic Carpet Ride 1994
27 Stratovarius Freedom 2000
28 Stratovarius Call Of The Wilderness 1995
29 Stratovarius Forever 1996
30 Stratovarius The Kiss Of Judas 1997
31 Symfonia I Walk In Neon 2011
32 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande Bittersweet 2014
33 Stratovarius Venus in the Morning 1998
34 Stratovarius Soul Of A Vagabond 2003
35 Stratovarius Galaxies 1995
36 Stratovarius Before The Winter 1997
37 Stratovarius S.O.S. 1998
38 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Rob Rock To The Edge Of The World 2013
39 Stratovarius Night Time Eclipse 1996
40 Stratovarius Celestial Dream 2000
41 Symfonia Don't Let Me Go 2011
42 Infernoise The Chainsaw's Law 2008
43 Stratovarius Winter 1995
44 Stratovarius Dreamspace 1994
45 Stratovarius Alpha & Omega 2003
46 Stratovarius Forever Free 1997
47 Stratovarius Find Your Own Voice 2003
48 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Russel Allen, Rob Rock & Elize Ryd Avalanche Anthem 2013
49 Infernoise Crossing The Valley Of Death 2008
50 Stratovarius Stratofortress 2003
51 Stratovarius Learning To Fly 2003
52 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Michael Kiske The Land Of New Hope 2013
53 Stratovarius Thin Ice 1994
54 Infernoise Rebel On The Way 2008
55 Stratovarius Episode 1996
56 Stratovarius Lord Of The Wasteland 1995
57 Stratovarius Awaken The Giant 2003
58 Stratovarius Chasing Shadows 1994
59 Stratovarius Mother Gaia 2000
60 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande Come And Dream With Me 2014
61 Stratovarius Father Time 1996
62 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Elize Ryd Enshrined In My Memory 2013
63 Infernoise I'm The Motor 2008
64 Stratovarius Elements 2003
65 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande In The Hands Of Time 2014
66 Stratovarius Anthem Of The World 1998
67 Stratovarius Nightfall 1995
68 Stratovarius Abyss 1994
69 Infernoise Helltrain Co. 2008
70 Stratovarius Stratosphere 1996
71 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande Lady Of Winter 2014
72 Stratovarius Luminous 2003
73 Stratovarius Eyes Of The World 1994
74 Stratovarius Glory Of The World 2000
75 Stratovarius Hold On To Your Dream 1994
76 Stratovarius We Hold The Key 1995
77 Stratovarius Shattered 1994
78 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Tony Kakko & Rob Rock We Will Find A Way 2013
79 Stratovarius Destiny 1998
80 Stratovarius Holy Light 1997
81 Stratovarius Coming Home 1997
82 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande Hymn For The Fallen 2014
83 Stratovarius Years Go By 1998
84 Stratovarius Distant Skies 1995
85 Stratovarius A Million Light Years Away 2000
86 Stratovarius Twilight Symphony 1995
87 Stratovarius Wings Of Tomorrow 1994
88 Stratovarius Tomorrow 1996
89 Stratovarius Legions 1997
90 Russell Allen - Jorn Lande Reaching For The Stars 2014
91 Stratovarius Liberty 2003
92 Stratovarius We Are The Future 1994
93 Symfonia Fields Of Avalon 2011
94 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Rob Rock The Magic Of The Night 2013
95 Stratovarius Tears Of Ice 1994
96 Infernoise Hellrider 2008
97 Stratovarius Cold Winter Nights 1998
98 Stratovarius Infinity 2000
99 Stratovarius Black Diamond 1997
100 Symfonia Come By The Hills 2011
101 Stratovarius Fantasia 2003
102 Stratovarius Reign Of Terror 1994
103 Stratovarius United 2005
104 Infernoise Alive Or Dead 2008
105 Stratovarius Will The Sun Rise? 1996
106 Stratovarius Papillon 2003
107 Stratovarius Stratovarius 1995
108 Stratovarius Season Of Faith's Perfection 2003
109 Stratovarius The Abyss Of Your Eyes 1997
110 Stratovarius Hunting High And Low 2000
111 Symfonia Santiago 2011
112 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Elize Ryd I'll Sing You Home 2013
113 Stratovarius Speed Of Light 1996
114 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Russel Allen, Rob Rock & Elize Ryd A World Without Us 2013
115 Infernoise Ritual 2008
116 Stratovarius Visions (Southern Cross) 1997
117 Stratovarius Millenium 2000
118 Symfonia Alayna 2011
119 Stratovarius Eternity 1996
120 Stratovarius 4000 Rainy Nights 1998
121 Stratovarius Atlantis 1994
122 Stratovarius Eagleheart 2002
123 Infernoise Snakebite 2008
124 Stratovarius Uncertainty 1996
125 Stratovarius A Drop In The Ocean 2003
126 Stratovarius 030366 1995
128 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Stratovarius Maniac Dance 22.08.2005 Peak: 93
2 Stratovarius Father Time 1996
3 Stratovarius Metal Frenzy 1992
4 Stratovarius Chasing Shadows 1994
5 Stratovarius Mother Gaia 2000
6 Stratovarius Anthem Of The World 1998
7 Stratovarius Nightfall 1995
8 Stratovarius Abyss 1994
9 Stratovarius The Land Of Ice And Snow 2005
10 Stratovarius Elements 2003
11 Stratovarius Luminous 2003
12 Stratovarius The Hills Have Eyes 1992
13 Stratovarius Hold On To Your Dream 1994
14 Stratovarius We Hold The Key 1995
15 Stratovarius Shattered 1994
16 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Tony Kakko & Rob Rock We Will Find A Way 2013
17 Stratovarius Destiny 1998
18 Stratovarius Stratosphere 1996
19 Stratovarius Holy Light 1997
20 Stratovarius Lead Us Into The Light 1992
21 Stratovarius Eyes Of The World 1994
22 Stratovarius A Million Light Years Away 2000
23 Stratovarius Coming Home 1997
24 Stratovarius Darkness 1989
25 Stratovarius Twilight Symphony 1995
26 Stratovarius Wings Of Tomorrow 1994
27 Stratovarius Legions 1997
28 Stratovarius Years Go By 1998
29 Stratovarius Liberty 2003
30 Stratovarius Distant Skies 1995
31 Stratovarius False Messiah 1989
32 Symfonia Fields Of Avalon 2011
33 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Rob Rock The Magic Of The Night 2013
34 Stratovarius Tears Of Ice 1994
35 Stratovarius Tomorrow 1996
36 Stratovarius We Are The Future 1994
37 Stratovarius Infinity 2000
38 Stratovarius Witch-Hunt 1988
39 Stratovarius Black Diamond 1997
40 Symfonia Come By The Hills 2011
41 Stratovarius Fantasia 2003
42 Stratovarius United 2005
43 Stratovarius Cold Winter Nights 1998
44 Stratovarius Papillon 2003
45 Stratovarius Fright Night 1989
46 Stratovarius The Abyss Of Your Eyes 1997
47 Stratovarius Hunting High And Low 2000
48 Symfonia Santiago 2011
49 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Elize Ryd I'll Sing You Home 2013
50 Stratovarius Reign Of Terror 1994
51 Stratovarius Speed Of Light 1996
52 Stratovarius Fight!!! 2005
53 Stratovarius Will The Sun Rise? 1996
54 Stratovarius Stratovarius 1995
55 Stratovarius Season Of Faith's Perfection 2003
56 Stratovarius Goodbye 1989
57 Stratovarius Visions (Southern Cross) 1997
58 Stratovarius Millenium 2000
59 Symfonia Alayna 2011
60 Stratovarius 4000 Rainy Nights 1998
61 Stratovarius Eagleheart 2002
62 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Russel Allen, Rob Rock & Elize Ryd A World Without Us 2013
63 Stratovarius Back To Madness 2005
64 Stratovarius A Drop In The Ocean 2003
65 Stratovarius Madness Strikes At Midnight 1992
66 Symfonia Forevermore 2011
67 Stratovarius Eternity 1996
68 Stratovarius 030366 1995
69 Stratovarius Atlantis 1994
70 Stratovarius I'm Still Alive 2003
71 Stratovarius Götterdämmerung (Zenith Of Power) 2005
72 Stratovarius Season Of Change 1996
73 Stratovarius No Turning Back 1998
74 Stratovarius Know The Difference 2003
75 Stratovarius Twilight Time 1992
76 Stratovarius 4th Reich 1994
77 Stratovarius Phoenix 2000
78 Symfonia Pilgrim Road 2011
79 Stratovarius Against The Wind 1995
80 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Elize Ryd In The Name Of The Rose 2013
81 Stratovarius Leave The Tribe 2005
82 Stratovarius Future Shock 1988
83 Stratovarius Rebel 1998
84 Stratovarius Out Of The Shadows 1992
85 Symfonia In Paradisum 2011
86 Stratovarius Playing With Fire 1998
87 Stratovarius Babylon 1996
88 Stratovarius Dreamweaver 2003
89 Stratovarius Magic Carpet Ride 1994
90 Symfonia Rhapsody In Black 2011
91 Stratovarius The Hands Of Time 1992
92 Stratovarius Paradise 1997
93 Stratovarius The Kiss Of Judas 1997
94 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Sharon den Adel & Elize Ryd Shine 2013
95 Stratovarius I Walk To My Own Song 2003
96 Symfonia I Walk In Neon 2011
97 Stratovarius Venus in the Morning 1998
98 Stratovarius Galaxies 1995
99 Stratovarius Freedom 2000
100 Stratovarius Black Night 1989
101 Stratovarius Call Of The Wilderness 1995
102 Stratovarius Forever 1996
103 Stratovarius S.O.S. 1998
104 Stratovarius Night Time Eclipse 1996
105 Symfonia Don't Let Me Go 2011
106 Stratovarius Soul Of A Vagabond 2003
107 Stratovarius Winter 1995
108 Stratovarius Dreamspace 1994
109 Stratovarius Fire Dance 1989
110 Stratovarius Before The Winter 1997
111 Stratovarius Forever Free 1997
112 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Rob Rock To The Edge Of The World 2013
113 Stratovarius Alpha & Omega 2003
114 Stratovarius Celestial Dream 2000
115 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Russel Allen, Rob Rock & Elize Ryd Avalanche Anthem 2013
116 Stratovarius Night Screamer 1989
117 Stratovarius Learning To Fly 2003
118 Stratovarius Find Your Own Voice 2003
119 Stratovarius Thin Ice 1994
120 Stratovarius Just Carry On 2005
121 Stratovarius Episode 1996
122 Stratovarius Stratofortress 2003
123 Stratovarius Lord Of The Wasteland 1995
124 Stratovarius Awaken The Giant 2003
125 Stratovarius Break The Ice 1992
126 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Michael Kiske The Land Of New Hope 2013
127 Timo Tolkki's Avalon / Elize Ryd Enshrined In My Memory 2013
128 Stratovarius Gypsy In Me 2005