Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


John Du Prez

15 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Modern Romance You Just Can't Kill The Beat 1983
2 Modern Romance She's So Fine 1983
3 Monty Python The Silly Walk Song 2014
4 Monty Python Nudge Rap / Blackmail 2014
5 Monty Python Finland 1989
6 Monty Python Galaxy Song 1983
7 Monty Python Sit On My Face 1980
8 Monty Python All Things Dull And Ugly 1980
9 Clint Black Galaxy Song 1999
10 Modern Romance Sail Away 1985
11 Monty Python The Meaning Of Life 1989
12 Monty Python Medical Love Song 1980
13 Modern Romance Don't Stop That Crazy Rhythm 1983
14 Monty Python Accountancy Shanty 1983
15 Modern Romance High Life 1983
1 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 Monty Python The Naval Medley 2014

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