Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


Norman Haines


13 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Locomotive There's Got To Be A Way 1969
2 Locomotive Lay Me Down Gently 1970
3 Locomotive A Day In Shining Armour 1970
4 Locomotive Times Of Light And Darkness 1970
5 The Ordinary Boys Rudi's In Love 2005
6 Locomotive Never Set Me Free 1968
7 Locomotive Mr. Armageddan 1969
8 Locomotive Now Is The End - The End Is When 1970
9 Locomotive Nobody Asked You To Come 1970
10 Locomotive The Loves Of Augustus Abbey 1970
11 The Chequers Rudi's In Love 1973
12 Locomotive Rudi's In Love 1968
13 Locomotive You Must Be Joking 1969

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