Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


John Cuffley

20 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Climax Blues Band Fallen In Love (For The Very Last Time) 1979
2 Climax Blues Band Chasing Change 1976
3 Climax Chicago Rich Man 1971
4 Climax Blues Band Berlin Blues 1976
5 Climax Blues Band Rollin' Home 1976
6 Climax Blues Band Sav'ry Gracy 1976
7 Climax Blues Band Extra 1976
8 Climax Blues Band Running Out Of Time 1975
9 Climax Blues Band Summer Rain 1979
10 Climax Blues Band Children Of The Nightime 1979
11 Climax Blues Band Lovin' Wheel 1979
12 Climax Blues Band The Last Chance Saloon 1981
13 Climax Blues Band Crazy World 1979
14 Climax Blues Band Couldn't Get It Right 1976
15 Climax Blues Band Losing The Humbles 1974
16 Climax Blues Band Mighty Fire 1976
17 Climax Blues Band Money In Your Pocket 1979
18 Climax Blues Band Together And Free 1976
19 Climax Blues Band Long Distance Love 1979
20 Climax Blues Band Watcha Feel 1978
8 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 Climax Blues Band Couldn't Get It Right 1976
2 Climax Blues Band Mighty Fire 1976
3 Climax Blues Band Together And Free 1976
4 Climax Blues Band Chasing Change 1976
5 Climax Blues Band Berlin Blues 1976
6 Climax Blues Band Rollin' Home 1976
7 Climax Blues Band Sav'ry Gracy 1976
8 Climax Blues Band Extra 1976

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