Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


Gord Sinclair


25 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 The Tragically Hip Pigeon Camera 1992
2 The Tragically Hip Wheat Kings 1992
3 The Tragically Hip Ahead By A Century 1996
4 The Tragically Hip At The Hundredth Meridian 1992
5 The Tragically Hip Honey, Please 2009
6 The Tragically Hip Locked In The Trunk Of A Car 1992
7 The Tragically Hip Coffee Girl 2009
8 The Tragically Hip Fully Completely 1992
9 The Tragically Hip The Depression Suite 2009
10 The Tragically Hip Eldorado 1992
11 The Tragically Hip Queen Of The Furrows 2009
12 The Tragically Hip Frozen In My Tracks 2009
13 The Tragically Hip Country Day 2009
14 The Tragically Hip Looking For A Place To Happen 1992
15 The Tragically Hip Courage 1992
16 The Tragically Hip Fifty-Mission Cap 1992
17 The Tragically Hip Morning Moon 2009
18 The Tragically Hip Lionized 1992
19 The Tragically Hip The Last Recluse 2009
20 The Tragically Hip We'll Go Too 1992
21 The Tragically Hip Now The Struggle Has A Name 2009
22 The Tragically Hip The Wherewithal 1992
23 The Tragically Hip The Exact Feeling 2009
24 The Tragically Hip Speed River 2009
25 The Tragically Hip Love Is A First 2009

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