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Elton Motello

Apocalipstic Single

Jahr: 1978


  1. Getting Into Trouble Elton Motello
  2. All The Boys Are English Elton Motello
  3. Teen Pimp Elton Motello
  4. Panic In The Class Room Elton Motello
  5. Pay The Radio Elton Motello
  6. Queen Elton Motello
  7. Pocket Calculator Elton Motello
  8. In The Heart Of The City Elton Motello
  9. 20th Century Fox Elton Motello
  10. Out Of Limit Elton Motello
  11. Falling Like A Domino Elton Motello
  12. Night Sister Elton Motello
  13. Can't Explain Elton Motello
  14. Pop Art Elton Motello
  15. Apocalipstic Elton Motello
  16. Artificial Incemination Elton Motello
  17. Sha La La La Le Elton Motello
  18. Tuttie Fruttie Alice Elton Motello
  19. Get The Guy Elton Motello
  20. Pipeline Elton Motello
  21. He's Crying Elton Motello
  22. He's A Rebel Elton Motello
  23. I Am The Marshall Elton Motello
  24. Victim Of Time Elton Motello
  25. Pogo Pogo Elton Motello
  26. Jet Boy Jet Girl Elton Motello


  1. Elton Motello Elton Motello
  2. Pop Art Elton Motello
  3. Victim Of Time Elton Motello


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